Archive for Performance

Times They Are a-Changin!

Upcoming South Coast Chorale Concert (and appropriately titled n’est pas?)

Saturday, July 12, 2008 – 8:00PM
Center Theater at the
Long Beach Performing Arts Center
Tickets: $35

2008 will be a year of change – both in our country and in the world. Be there at the inaugural concert at our new home theater, as we present music that celebrates SCC’s first 18 years and looks to the future with excitement and pride.

Come on out and support this fabulous femme!


As a grrl I’ve never really done the whole giggly grrl borrowing clothes from each other thing, partly because of my sense of style and partly because of my voluptuosity.

So… needless to say I’m absolutely tickled that for the upcoming cabaret show –preview Wed at the Paradise Lounge on Broadway, show on Friday on the Queen Mary wooot!– I’m doing a drag number (if we don’t get cut) and I’m borrowing all kinds of clothing from all kinds of hawtties.

Boots, borrowing from hot friend #1, who I’m also lucky enough to live with *insert evil laughter*

Boxers borrowing from hot friend #2, yup.  He’s hot too. ha!

Binder, borrowing from hot friend #3.  Handsome devil that he is.

Now I need a beater and a shirt.  I think I am borrowing that from hot friend #4 but I haven’t hit her up yet.  I have a goal though.  Drag in all borrowed clothing.  Fuck yeah!  (dammit Scott I need the shirt off your back baby!)

I’ll confess I’m not packing due to logistical costume change isues–mainly a dick would look tacky in my diva gown– but I’m tempted to borrow socks for stuffing as well.  I have the cutest pink socks for that though!

One notable exception: the riding crop for the number= all mine.

Cabaret Preview!

Wednesday April 16 from 6-7 at the Paradise Lounge on Broadway in Long Beach… South Coast Chorale will be performing a sneak preview of our upcoming Queen’s Cabaret show.

Don’t miss it!

April 18th Tickets are on Sale!!

A Queen’s Cabaret will be a fabulous show!  If you are in SoCal or know someone who is, or if you plan on visiting… tickets are on sale and I can tell you already the space we’ll be singing in is GORGEOUS.  Can we say alabaster? OMG luxurious beautiful, regal… yep.  A fellow singer summed up as I drooled over the pictures “that just made you wet didn’t it?” 

Oh. Dear.  Queers.  Queens.  On the Queen Mary.  Singing.  Cabaret.  You simply don’t want to miss it!

Scribbling Woman’s Reflections

Last Thursday’s reading was pretty interesting. I had chosen my material on the basis of my own comfort level and with some feedback from a few friends. When I sat down on the floor to listen to people’s readings I realized, I hadn’t considered the location and the crowd enough. See, it’s not exactly a poetry slam. It’s not a bar or a cafe either. It’s Borders. At the MALL.

So, I fretted and looked through my backup material looking for stuff that would be less, er… shocking.

The poems I had selected to read included “Antillana Streets” (the first stanza ends with limp dicks and the refrain includes the words “mutherfuckin'”), “Gynecological Blues: A journey of SELF examination” (featuring the “Battle Hymn of my Vagina”), “Day in Her Shoes” (relatively tame one), “I was a Lesbian child” (did she say lesbian?), and a fragment of “Re-generations” (which featured relatively little outrageousness).

What is remarkable about this situation is that I don’t usually self-censor. I also don’t get nervous about reading. I love reading. But suddenly, sitting on the cold floor next to a reading virgin, I felt a hard knot of anxiety tighten in my gut. When one speaker got up there and used the word boobs and a mother took her two children away I realized, this was NOT my crowd.

Fortunately, I got sucked into the readings: Ellen Pratt’s story was absolutely wonderful and so courageous. She described sitting in a church and I kept wanting to jump in with the Amen!s as she read. I had tears streaming down my face by the time she finished. Jocelyn Geliga’s poetry was incredibly powerful and painful. And I cried too. Cathy Fleck read some beautiful poems about her brother’s death many years ago. Cathy Mazak read about the shore and I loved picturing the sandcastles she read. A young woman whom I don’t know early on in the reading did a piece about a homeless person that was great: as part of the reading was a sung lullaby piece. Good shit!

So, my turn comes and I had not decided which poem to open my set with until I got up there and thought: “Fuck it!” I am sure the staff of the mall will be laughing about the crazy woman in borders singing about her vagina at 10:00 PM for a while! LOL

I think I’m getting to the point where I’m ready to pursue publishing. I think I’m ready to let go of my pieces. Part of the reason I’ve always liked reading better than publishing (although I’ve only published in a series of poetry postcards so far) is that when I read and I perform my own pieces, I have control. I am not sending them out into the big bad world with their lunchboxes and leaving them to their own devices. But, I think I’m ready to start trying to publish. I know some of my shit is good enough to put out. It’s still a bit scary. A lot intimidating but exciting nonetheless. Remind me I said that last bit when I start piling up rejections! LOL

Scribbling Women

Self promotion time:

I will be reading at the Estación Literaria next week.

The theme is “Scribbling Women” featuring women from the faculty who will be reading unpublished work. I am very much looking forward to hearing everyone’s work as well as reading a lil sumpin.

We’ll be at Borders from 7:30-10:00 on Thursday the 20th of April.

On stage

On my way to the presentation I was giving yesterday I was thinking about my the good old days of performing on stage. I spent years doing theatre and singing with various choral ensembles as well as performing at clubs every now and then. If you have this sort of background (or frontground) I suspect you will recognize the feeling I’m thinking of.

There’s a period of time before you go on stage where you have forgotten everything you ever knew about the piece you’re doing. This usually happens to me only when I know it inside out and sideways btw, if I truly don’t know I don’t get into this mindspace.

Anyway, you are totally blank. And you might think to yourself, hmmm I don’t remember my cue. When is it I walk on stage?? Or hmmmm, I don’t remember a single line/note. It’s just all gone. Some people freak out and start frantically running lines or whipping out a pitch pipe because they can’t remember what a B# sounds like. Some people pace/chain smoke/mutter…

I kind of like that feeling of just being empty and then suddenly, as you go on stage to sing/dance/speak you come alive again. You’re doing it and it’s all clear and comfortable, and if you fudge a line it’s not a big deal, you’re just in it.

Anyway, all that to say, I get into that same space when I’m presenting or giving a paper and I had not really realized that was what was happening to me. Until yesterday. I usually freak the hell out! LOL I mean I’m at a conference, I’m giving a paper but I can’t remember how to spell F/feminism(s)?? 😛

Then of course, when I start my talk/presentation it’s all there and it’s fine.

I wonder if other people experience this when presenting or if it’s just the trauma induced by years of being in theatre???